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Touch-A-Truck Sponsors and Exhibitors

Thank you for your interest in participating in our Touch-A-Truck event!  We appreciate your support.

Please follow this registration process:

  1. Select from the categories below.
  2. Download your application.
  3. Complete and sign the application. 
  4. Return here and use the form below to upload your completed application.
  5. You should get a reply form the Touch-A-Truck team within a few business days.  
white and red vehicle on green grass

Please download you application here:

Vehicle Application


Please download your application here:

Exhibitor Application 

a food truck parked on the side of the road
Food Truck

Please download your application here:

Food-Truck Application 

person using laptop computer holding card
Sponsorship Opportunities

Please see our Sponsorship Opportunities


man writing on paper

Please download your policies here:


Upload your registration forms

Please upload your application and Certificate of Liability Insurance