Spoke Newsletter – Dec 8, 2022


Redlands High School will delight us by vocal presentations appropriate to the season and remind us of the long-standing musical tradition at Redlands’ oldest high school.


We would love to see everyone in person at Rotary Club of Redlands, but if that is not possible, the following Zoom option is available by going to:



KAREN SHAW and JAN HUDSON presented an informative and detailed overview about the status of personal/home real estate in our area. Their presentation concluded by fielding a number of questions about home values, sales potential, rental markets, taxes, loan interest costs, and legislation affecting existing homes and their lots, and the building of extra buildings on home property, now encouraged and urged on by the state government legislation seeking to ameliorate housing shortages. KAREN, who heads the East Valley Association of Realtors, a region of the California Association of Realtors, supplied a one page, two sided printed guide to sales prices in the area, trends of existing median prices and market competition. Active listings for October in Redlands were 80, up +42.9% from the previous year. We thank JAN for arranging this presentation.


The annual holiday luncheon. Spouses, partners, exes, friends—all welcome (at your expense). There is no program. Members, their chatter, joy, and excitement during the gathering will constitute the program.


The Y Annual Holiday Home Tour. DARWIN BARNETT, deserves much credit along with his excellent staff, colleagues and many volunteers. SHELLI STOCKTON, long time chair of the Home Tour and Y board member, provided admirable leadership. The Editor’s wife, CHARLOTTE has been
the “home-finder” for 25 years. JERRY BEAN through his newspaper prints a splendid magazine for subscribers and for the tour attendees. Speaking of the Y Home Tour, CHRIS ALVAREZ corralled 30 people to serve as docents at one of the homes, helping to develop narratives for the
rooms, and even supplied refreshments for the volunteers. It was a typical $100 Rotary effort to “make good will,” bring benefit to charity, treating guests and volunteers with fairness, and building better friendships all the while. EVAN SANFORD, NATHAN GONZALES and TODD LOZA, JOHN TINCHER and KAREN, CRIS WALKER, JULIE and DAVE BYERS, also were home guides…… But, there is one Y Board member who excelled in behalf of the event to raise funds for the Legal Aid program at the Y. Yes, BILL HATFIELD, take a bow. That bow should also be shared by LORI, BILL’S wife, who is one of the pantry volunteers. Early on Saturday morning, throngs were lined up and many with noses pressed to the glass windows awaiting the opening of the annual pantry. Baked goods of all kinds and stripes were there beautifully displayed, yearning to be bought. BILL, as chief cashier, began the day at his post. By day’s end, $10,000 had been raised for the Y and the Legal Aid program. That’s a lot of cookies and cakes……SHIRLEY HARRY, as we learned, is now
back at home recovering from her fall. Cards, telephone calls, even select visits are encouraged. A distinguished past president, active member, an energy force at 90, real estate expert of which there is no “whicher,” show her some Rotary love…… BOB TINCHER, according to an authoritative source (his father JOHN) is at home, having completed his treatments, is gaining in strength,
and is doing limited work from home. Keep him in your holiday thoughts…..Congratulations to U of R Division III national champions in men’s water polo and to KRISTA NEWKIRK (whose pardonable enthusiasm led her to join the team celebration in the pool) and to JEFF MARTINEZ!


I’m looking forward to tomorrow evening’s festivities! Let’s kick off the season with some friends, delicious food, cocktails, and a few rounds of Bingo. We will have a cash bar available. Doors open at 5:30 p.m. See you tomorrow night!

Editor – Larry Burgess – Edition No. 22, December 8, 2022