Spoke Newsletter – August 1, 2024


KEVIN DRYSDALE and RYAN PENA of Craig & Sons Termite and Pest Control, Inc., will present to us about their various services, including escrow inspections. For those of us in the real estate industry, this topic may be of special interest. Craig & Sons is a family owned and operated company and has served our community since 1991, with offices located in Redlands and Riverside.


Balsa planes flew across the meeting hall as Ms. JORDIE ANNEN, the Community Engagement Specialist with Ontario International Airport, presented about the various new features offered by our local airport as well as the community fundraising events and engagement efforts hosted by Ontario International Airport. It may be fun for our club can get a team together for their upcoming 5k on the Runway to help support the USO. What do you think, ROGER UMINSKI (Community Service Chair)?


SANDY PENDLETON-DORTON of Project Shield will present about the project’s efforts to educate the public to keep our youth safe on social media and about human trafficking dangers. We will learn about “red flags” that can alert us to these dangers and will understand what we can do to create awareness and promote prevention.


DAVE MAUPIN, CAL BOOTHBY and JIM NOLIN were able to present a hefty $8,100.00 check to Executive Director BRANDI COLLATTO of the Redlands YMCA for the Safety Around Water program, all thanks to Touch-A-Truck’s incredible turnout and sponsorships that made the donation possible. Congratulations, RCOR and TAT committee on a job well done!

…And NATHAN GONZALES received his second Paul Harris Fellow. It’s a wonder he could do that and build a pool! CAL must have cut him a break in exchange for his donation to the foundation. Hmm. Suspicious.


One early evening an older farmer decided to stroll to his pond to pick some fruit from the nearby trees. As he picked up his bucket from the barn, he could hear the sound of several women laughing and splashing in the water. He approached the pond and realized the women were skinny dipping. He was intrigued. The women saw him and swam away from him, frightened and somewhat belligerent. One of the women shouted, “we’re not coming out of this pond until you leave!” The farmer assured them. “I’m not here to watch you ladies skinny-dip. I’m just here to feed the crocodile.”


Wow! I can’t believe it’s already been a month since I became president—time really flies when you’re having fun! In our fast-paced world, being innovative and adaptable is a key to our Rotary club’s success. I want to welcome new ideas, try out some cool technologies, and find fun ways to boost our projects and local outreach. Whether it’s using some digital tools for better communication, coming up with new fundraising ideas along the way, or tackling some local challenges creatively, let’s be open to change, ready to experiment, and have some fun at the same. And don’t worry, I’ll have a PDF reader on my laptop, so we can enjoy all the presenter’s slides and photos from now on! Our club is full of talented and creative folks, so I encourage everyone to share your ideas and insights with me and others. With innovation, we can stay more relevant, make a bigger impact locally, and attract new members who are passionate about making a difference. Let’s push the boundaries together and set a standard for excellence and innovation in Rotary!

Editor – Jennifer Daniel – Edition No. 4 – August 1, 2024