Spoke Newsletter – June 20, 2024


We will hear from MICHAEL STEVENS, managing partner of SGH Architects, who will discuss and show us the development and design evolution of the Redlands’ Packing House District and Transit District projects.


We welcomed one of our newer members, PAT WILLIAMS, to share her story of Angel’s Closet. What started with nine dresses in PAT’S home, became one portable at REV (Redlands East Valley High School) about 15 years ago and has since grown to six portables. The four “closets” are women’s high school attire, men’s high school attire, women’s formal wear, middle schoolers, and two portables to store and prep clothes that will find their way into the four “closets”. Seeing the closets in person will bring to life the stories PAT shared with us.


Demotion skit and party. President CHRIS’S reign of terror has mercifully come to an end, allowing him to add to his list of accomplishments, the two best words in the English language when used together, “Past President”. Which is almost as good as the four best words used together, “Deceased Mother-in-Law”. The following week, with fanfare and spinning plates, we welcome our next czar, THOMAS JACKSON. After Prez CHRIS’S beat down demotion skit, we will celebrate at past Past PRES JEN’S house. Deadline for RSVP is now, please make your reservations through CAL BOOTHBY. Tickets are $45/per person. The party will be from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm and include music, heavy appetizers, cocktails.


Bless LINDA NOLIN who is heading up Programs for us next year, which starts in July. Some of us have done this, some more than once, and it’s not an easy task. It’s also a critical part of having a good time at Rotary each week. So, let’s help LINDA out. Think of people in your orbit with a unique story or talent or calling. Think of organizations doing something different and out of the ordinary. Think of other organizations you might belong to that are bringing to town an outside expert who could do a Rotary program for us while in town. If you heard a good speaker in the last couple years, pass that info to LINDA. Interesting speakers typically need two to three months lead time so this is not a task LINDA can do on the fly. Let’s all help LINDA out, we will all benefit.


Up at Plymouth Village, they have “Village Voyagers” which are, according to the PV Weekly Flyer, entertaining and informative travel presentations. Guess that the program is next Monday at 1:30, titled “Two Old Men Paddling Down Ol’ Man River”? Our own DAVE MAUPIN and KIM CLARK. Add in KIM and LYNDA SCHAUF’S recent round the world jaunt, now there’s a double feature for the good folks at PV.

Our own BETTY AUTON BECK and JIM HOLMES got hitched this past weekend. Congratulations you two!

Many Rotarians were at Martha Green’s last Friday to wish DARWIN BARNETT a fond farewell as he glides into retirement after working at the Y for 46 years, the last dozen leading our local Y’s. Well done DARWIN, thanks for spending your last chapter with us. Our Y’s are better because of you.

2024-2025 CLUB DUES

From our Treasurer and approved by the Board of Directors our club dues for 2024-2025. Our dues with meeting fees will be increasing $20 per month for a grand total of $1,440.00 for the year.

Clubs Dues $320.00 annually. Meeting Fees $1,120.00 annually. $120.00 per month, $360.00 per Quarter, $720.00 semi-annual, or $1,440.00 in full. Invoices will be prepared soon so be on the lookout.


Tomorrow night, Friday, June 21st, we will provide usher services at the Redlands Bowl. We had enough volunteers sign up, but you can come anyway and just enjoy the show.




Happy first day of summer ROTARIANS! Are we ready for the impending sweltering heat?! Yeah, me neither! Hopefully we all have a chance to escape the heat from time to time over the summer. It also means that we’re only days away from the reign of Rex THOMAS the first. I’m looking forward to hearing about his experience at the RI Convention and what his goals are for the year – mostly because I won’t be in charge, but rather a participant! Enjoy today’s program, and be sure to do something to mark the first day of summer!

Editor – Neal Waner – Edition No. 50 – June 20, 2024