Spoke Newsletter – May 2, 2024


Rotary welcomes ANDREA VALDES, an Outreach Analyst in the Community and Outreach Branch of the California Department of Insurance. Today, CDI is the largest consumer protection agency in the state whose functions include overseeing insurer solvency, licensing agents and brokers, conducting market conduct reviews, resolving consumer complaints, and investigating and prosecuting insurance fraud. She likely has some relevant observations about rising home and automobile insurance rates in California among other topic


The Club heard from DICK CORNEILLE of Redlands’ Accelerate Neighborhood Climate Action (“ANCA”) a chapter of a network based in Colorado. The goal of ANCA is to help reduce the impact of climate change, strengthen community bonds, and lessen climate anxiety, all at the neighborhood level. The Redlands chapter believes that anthropogenic CO2 emissions are a major contributing factor to global climate change and focuses on mitigating harmful effects it might cause on the East Valley. Some of the means to this end include building “better homes” powered by electricity, promoting local food production and distribution, protecting the sources and availability of clean water, preparing for natural disasters caused by climate change, and working to minimize or eliminate waste created by human activity. In the parlance from the 1970s, “Reduce. Reuse. Recycle.” Though lacking detailed documentation to support many of the statistics cited to frame naturally occurring events as a matter of grave concern, a lively Q&A session permitted DICK and our fellow Rotarians to exchange ideas and thoughts in a positive manner. The website for Redlands ANCA is redlands-anca.hub.arcgis.com and the local chapter can be emailed at ancainlandempire@gmail.com


ERICA MILLER and visiting Rotarian JOE AMLANI will join forces to present the migratory journey of the Bar-tailed Godwit via interpretive dancing to the musical stylings of a quartet of Maori string and percussion artists.


Please plan to support RCOR’s major and most enduring fundraiser, Red Wine & Blues: sponsor, buy tickets, and donate $50+ bottles of wine for a wine pull. Enjoy the musical stylings of the Chuck Manning Quartet, take in the ambiance of Kimberly Crest, and enjoy the camaraderie of fellow Rotarians and others. The event will take place on May 11, from 4:00 to 7:00 at Kimberly Crest House and Gardens and tickets and sponsorships are still available on the website at redlandsrotary.org > events > Red Wine and Blues or see DAVID GAUTHIER or CAL BOOTHBY.


Redlands Family Services and The Unforgettables Foundation will be the beneficiaries of the Redlands Royalty Pub Crawl on May 5th from 2:00 to 6:00 PM. Rotarians and others may purchase “votes” for $1 each in support of the event and our own Marvelous MARVIN HUDSON is in the running to be King of the Crawlers! Crawling begins at Escape Brewery and there are five more establishments on the crawl. You can get more info and purchase votes at www.redlandsfamilyservice.org/redlandsroyalty.html. Ticket sales ended on April 30, but you can buy votes through May 3rd. Talk to KYRA STEWART or MARVIN HUDSON for more info.


The annual Joint Service Club/YMCA Roy Coble Service to Youth Award luncheon will be at the YMCA Roy Coble gymnasium on Tuesday, May 14. The doors open at 11:30 a.m. and the luncheon program will begin at 12:00. The Great Y Circus will perform several acts as our entertainment prior to the award presentation. Please come and support the YMCA, the Y Circus performers, and the 2024 Service to Youth Award recipient, and talk smack to members of other service clubs in town. Tickets are $30 per person. Go see CAL today!


According to Past District Governor RUDY WESTERVELT, the registration numbers may be too low to hold RLI on May 11th as previously scheduled. If the number of enrollees is insufficient by 4pm TODAY, May 5th, this session will be canceled making the next opportunity to increase your knowledge and effectiveness through participation in RLI September 21st. Why not sign up TODAY for RLI so you can make your conversation over a glass of wine that evening at RW&B more scintillating?


On this date in 1863, Confederate General Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson (not to be confused with our Prez-Elect) and an enduring icon of “The Lost Cause” legend in Civil War history, was gravely wounded by his own, confused troops during the battles of Chancellorsville. His arm was amputated, and though Jackson initially appeared to be healing, he died from pneumonia on May 10.


Happy May! 2024 certainly seems to be zooming right along, doesn’t it?! In another month it’ll be summer, then back to school, then the winter holidays. So, it’s pretty much winter, Merry Christmas! We have to give a hand to our April birthdays, as precious as they were with their own food, cake, champagne, and balloons… they gave that birthday quiz a mighty effort, but luckily for us the Foundation proved to be the ultimate beneficiary!

Editor – Jim Nolin – Edition No. 43 – May 2, 2024