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Rotary Club of Redlands

We are People of Action 

Our  network of neighbors, friends, and leaders volunteer their skills

and resources to serve our community.

Take Action With Us

Events / Tickets

Welcome to the Rotary Club of Redlands 

For more than 100 years the Rotary Club of Redlands has served the Redlands community and has joined Rotary International in its goal to eliminate Polio from the world.

To be a Rotarian means to place “Service Above Self.”  We serve our community in meaningful ways and support Rotary international efforts through fundraising and donations.You are welcome to visit our Thursday noon meeting at 131 Cajon Street and get to know our members.  If our 4-Way Test resonates with you, please consider joining us as we continue in our next 100 years!” 

People come for the service, but they stay for the fellowship!  Should you elect to join our club, Rotary will enrich your life while expanding your network and circle of friends. 

  Click here to get started. 

Rotary Redlands Events

Click on event to see more info and order tickets.

Scholarships this year
Hours of Servcie
Scholarships last year